Protecting Rights

Today, homeschooling is mainstream in the United States and it’s here to stay.
The battle now is not the right to homeschool, but rather the right to FREELY homeschool. Government regulation is the new thorn in the side of homeschooling families that prevents them from educating their children in the way that God leads them.

Two organizations that are actively engaged in protecting families are:

Home School Legal Defense Association, which works legislatively and in the courts to protect families’ right to homeschool without government interference., which works legislatively and in the courts to protect parents’ rights to direct the upbringing and education of their children without government interference.

Internationally, the picture is different. While families may homeschool freely in many countries, there are some in which they are persecuted severely. Families from Germany and Sweden fall into the latter category. Please pray for families in these countries. The status of homeschooling in various countries, along with contact information for local organizations, is available here.